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Promotional Consulting.  Sure, we can help create the idea but more importantly, we know HOW YOU CAN ACTIVATE those great ideas you may also have.  Its the ACTIVATION that separates one team's successful promotion from another that falls flat

Sales Help:  You have an eager staff that makes calls and the clients you have enjoy the value.  So why aren't more signing up?  How do we get that $2k a year client to become the $10k a year client?   That is where we come in


Attention in the Community:  How do we generate "free publicity"?  Scott has those tricks to get your team out in the public and foster connections that have an IMPACT in your branding and attendance (while also still giving back to your community)

Hire a Full-Time Staffer for $3k a Year and Not Even Have to Worry about Benefits!


Who is Scott


A wide-eyed dreamer of working in sports, following college Scott drove 26 hours from Upstate

New York to Fargo, N.D. to begin his career with a minor league hockey team.  He pulled into the arena

parking lot, walked into the team’s office and immediately was hit with the reality that he was far

away from any type of glitz and glamour.  However, while the experience was low resources,

poor amenities and limited team revenue it set the foundation for Scott’s ability to maximize what he had and

and put an emphasis on efficiency. 


That season, with a marketing budget that was non-existent, a salary of 12k (that is if checks

didn’t bounce) and just one other front office teammate he took a team averaging less than

200 paid spectators a game to bringing in more than 1,200.


Over the next 20 years, Scott has served as general manager, top sales executive, merchandise

manager, public relations and broadcaster for several teams and companies.  Most times doing

many of those jobs at once under a single title!  He has worked in minor league baseball and hockey

as well as at the NCAA level. He understands the philosophy of those that get into this business, what

motivates them and the passion. All while respecting that every person has great ideas.

He’s sold sponsorships to large companies for $50k on up, but also gotten really creative in

procuring that small local restaurant for just a thousand dollars.  He created the trademarked

“Doxie Dash” in Des Moines while in the United States Hockey League, but has also relied on

the simple, standards promotions too.


He has the knowledge of someone who has worked large budgets and those where revenue is

limited. Currently, Scott consults with minor league operations across the country while also

owning a media company in Eau Claire, WI that is going on six years in operation.


Why Use Us

Instead of having your staff struggle with the “whys” and look back…have them focus on pushing

forward and leave the “analysis” to me. I’m not here to outsmart you or your staff but to maximize what it is you have.  I want to be part of your team, not come in and insult (even passive aggressively) the people you trust.


Unlike some consultants (and we’ve all come across them in our careers), I’m not about strutting into your operation and shoving ideas in front of you and telling everyone where they’ve been wrong.


 I can help provide that path towards accomplishing what it is you are looking to achieve.  Perhaps you’ve seen an idea elsewhere and what to implement it here.  Maybe there is something within your organization that isn’t working right, despite the best efforts, that I can immediately provide assistance on.


I’ve “been there and done that”.  Yeah, that includes my fair share of mistakes too and many times I can go back to those failures as providing the pitfalls that your team must avoid as well.


What I Do

It all starts with that all important needs-analysis conversation with members of the team.  We’ll discuss what it is you’d like to accomplish, what you’ve faced and key areas you feel I should know.  From there, I’ll build a 12-month plan (that we’ll work together on amending and pivoting on throughout the year) to help not only accomplish what it is you’re looking to do but also revise as needed at the end of the season.

That’s right, I’m with you for a full-year so I’m not going anywhere…and thus can’t hide!  I need to see this through.


Areas we can focus on…

  • Sales Staff (tickets and sponsorship)

  • Branding and Website

  • Merchandise

  • Broadcast Operations

  • Promotions & Public Relations

  • Staff Morale/Talent Recruitment/Retainment

  • Maximizing interns (developing a lesson plan and working with local schools on getting the best!)



It again starts with that needs-analysis and the 12-month plan that I’ll present to you.  From there, we establish regular communication.  Video conferences, phone calls, e-mails and yes…even the potential for in-person visits as necessary.

I’m on call with you 24/7!


As the year goes on, what you need may change.  There may be shifts for any number of reasons so the 12-month plan is always being adjusted and many times for good reasons!  One area may be solved which frees up time to focus on another!



We can start right now! 

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