Hunger is messy. It takes all of us to do the dishes.
Because food is something that brings us all together, we're gathering stories from around our community about what brings us all to the messy kitchen sink after a good meal for the real conversation. Join our hosts and guests on the official podcast of Feed My People Food Bank as we dive into everything from fun personal insights to how we're tackling the issue of hunger, together.
Episode #21 Wisconsin State Senator Jesse James
Episode #20 Housing and Food Insecurity
Episode #19 Jason Plante with Market & Johnson
Episode #17 Chippewa Falls Schools
Episode #15 Dr. Sunem Beaton-Garcia with CVTC
Episode #14 Why Do People Volunteer
Episode #12 Local Icon John Murphy
Episode #10 Chippewa Valley YMCA
Episode #9 UWEC's Chancellor Jim